IPR Under the AIA – The America Invents Act, which is considered the most significant reform of patent law in over 50 years, became effective in September of 2011. One of the […]
IPR Under the AIA – The America Invents Act, which is considered the most significant reform of patent law in over 50 years, became effective in September of 2011. One of the […]
The Super Seven – There are currently seven ways to correct or amend an issued patent: Reissue (the topic of this article), Certificate of Correction, Disclaimer, Reexamination, Inter partes review, Post Grant […]
Two New Defenses, and an Old One Modified – In some respects, filing a patent application and obtaining a patent to protect an invention might be considered “playing offense” – proactively pursuing […]
Three Fees, Please – When a United States patent issues, the financial investment needed to obtain the patent is complete. However, further payments are required in order to maintain the patent in […]
Reexamination: the short story – United States patent law provides for a process called Reexamination that allows for a third party or even the inventor to request that the United States Patent […]
Keeping the patent process in focus with your business – The long pendency of patent applications in the U.S. often creates a problem when a company’s technology gets ahead of its patent […]