The America Invents Act – Patent reform in the United States, known as the America Invents Act (AIA), is now law. Public Law 112-29 to be specific. On September 16, 2011 President […]
The America Invents Act – Patent reform in the United States, known as the America Invents Act (AIA), is now law. Public Law 112-29 to be specific. On September 16, 2011 President […]
Where Law, Morality, Ethics, and Religion Meet – Biotechnology and Human Dignity – While many areas of patent law are concrete and clear, neat and tidy, biotechnology patents are not. The rapid […]
A Brief Prosecution Primer – Regular readers of this column may recall a basic premise of patent prosecution(1): after some initial administrative steps, a Patent Examiner in the USPTO studies the Applicant’s […]