Spring is in the Air – Nothing says spring better than a fast car. Not a self-driving autonomous car or one of those computer screen emblazoned luxury SUVs with cupholders and WiFi, […]
Brawn and Beauty – You Can Claim Both If You Are Careful
Brawn Before Beauty – Simply stated, a design patent protects the ornamental appearance of an invention. Indeed, even beautiful works of art such as the Statue of Liberty(1) have been protected by […]
What is a Patent?
There is certainly no shortage of technically talented and inventive people in our area who could answer this question. Rochester consistently ranks at or near the top nationally in many measures of […]
Patenting Computer Generated Icons
Design Patents- A Refresher1 – The United States patent laws provide for the granting of a design patent to any person who has invented a new and nonobvious ornamental design for an […]
“All That Glitters” – Protecting Ornamental Appearance With a Design Patent
Definition of a Design Patent – The United States patent laws provide for the granting of a design patent to any person who has invented a new and nonobvious ornamental design for […]