Feeding Frenzy – Most of us are familiar with the network TV show, Shark Tank® – but in case not, here is a brief summary of the premise. Entrepreneurs seeking funding for […]
Feeding Frenzy – Most of us are familiar with the network TV show, Shark Tank® – but in case not, here is a brief summary of the premise. Entrepreneurs seeking funding for […]
The U.S. Patent Act was enacted by congress under its Constitutional grant of authority to secure for limited times to inventors the exclusive right to their discoveries. “A patent is essentially a […]
So Long Summer of ’16 – This month we wistfully say goodbye to the summer of ’16, as it fades in our rearview mirror. To close out this season, we’re offering a […]
Is it the bread or the slicer? “It’s the greatest thing since sliced bread.” We have all heard it before, but most of us have no idea where this expression really came […]
The Super Seven – There are currently seven ways to correct or amend an issued patent: Reissue (the topic of this article), Certificate of Correction, Disclaimer, Reexamination, Inter partes review, Post Grant […]
Brawn Before Beauty – Simply stated, a design patent protects the ornamental appearance of an invention. Indeed, even beautiful works of art such as the Statue of Liberty(1) have been protected by […]
The Meaning of Those Strange Little Sentences – What’s in a Claim Anyhow – Claims, those strangely constructed sentences at the end of a patent or patent application, usually get all of […]
Instant Prototyping Gratification – We live in remarkable times with respect to developing and bringing new inventions to market. Advances in rapid prototyping technology in the past decade have compressed the development […]
Oops, You’ve Got The Wrong Guy… Errors Can and Do Happen – While the preparation and prosecution of patent applications is about striving for perfection, sometimes errors happen. Determining who should be […]
Reaching the Appeal Decision Point – As regular readers of this column know, after a patent application is filed, a series of proceedings known as prosecution (1) occurs between the Applicant (typically represented by […]