A Continuation-In-Part – In a recent issue of our column, we gave a lesson on performing “do-it-yourself due diligence” on a pending U.S. patent application. This month, we present a “Continuation-In-Part” of […]
Swimming with the (Duly Diligent) Sharks
Feeding Frenzy – Most of us are familiar with the network TV show, Shark Tank® – but in case not, here is a brief summary of the premise. Entrepreneurs seeking funding for […]
Eye in the Sky – The Advantages of Using a Patent Alert Service
The term “patent landscape” is widely used to denote the state of patent activities in a given field of technology, or with regard to a more narrow class of inventions. An […]
Developing a Patent Strategy for Your Business – Building Value
Why a Patent Strategy? A patent is a legal instrument that allows you to exclude others from making, using, or selling your patented invention. A patent is a limited monopoly, limited to […]
Online Searching for Business Information in the USPTO
A Spectrum of Subject Matter – Many engineers and scientists are aware of the United States Patent and Trademark Office website, http://patft.uspto.gov/, that is available for online searching of patents and published […]