The meaning of two little words Take a walk through any hardware store and look for the words “Patent Pending” on the various items being sold. Or, on a more high tech […]
The meaning of two little words Take a walk through any hardware store and look for the words “Patent Pending” on the various items being sold. Or, on a more high tech […]
The Need for Speed – Joe is the founder and CEO of Catatonics, a high tech startup that has a new add-on module for CT scanners. Catatonics’ new module increases CT scanner […]
Reexamination: the short story – United States patent law provides for a process called Reexamination that allows for a third party or even the inventor to request that the United States Patent […]
Definition of a Design Patent – The United States patent laws provide for the granting of a design patent to any person who has invented a new and nonobvious ornamental design for […]
An assignment transfers ownership from one party to another. In the United States, ownership of a patent or a patent application remains with the inventor(s) until such time as an assignment is […]
Industrial Designs – The Subject Matter of the Hague System An industrial design right is an intellectual property right that protects the visual appearance of an object that is not purely utilitarian. […]
The Patent Statutes with Teeth – Federal statutes 35 U.S.C.§154 and 35 U.S.C.§271 provide much of the teeth in our patent laws. They define the property right of a patent grant, and […]
From the Blogosphere… “No, the only way to protect IP is to never tell anyone about it.” This was one of many answers offered in reply to a question posted on the […]
The Quote and the Law. A well known phrase (to patent practitioners at least) is that patentable subject matter may include “anything under the sun that is made by man.” The phrase […]
What would Christmas be these days without mentioning the words “Made in China.” From Christmas lights to wrapping paper, and even the gifts left by Santa Claus, the little gold “Made in […]