A brief history of the word and the property right… The Business of Words Patent law is truly a business of words. A patent application is prepared using words and (usually) drawings […]
A brief history of the word and the property right… The Business of Words Patent law is truly a business of words. A patent application is prepared using words and (usually) drawings […]
A Protest is the filing of papers with the United States Patent and Trademark Office against a pending patent application that calls attention to any facts within the protestor’s knowledge which, in […]
Incredible. The roar of the crowd in the Beijing Olympic natatorium has long faded, but the memories of Michael Phelps’ phenomenal run of eight gold medals will long remain. For our money, […]
What’s New – Within the past few years, explosive advances in computer hardware and software have made it affordable for large and small businesses, and even solo practitioners to use electronic modeling […]
A Brief Prosecution Primer – Regular readers of this column may recall a basic premise of patent prosecution(1): after some initial administrative steps, a Patent Examiner in the USPTO studies the Applicant’s […]
Old School Patent Searching – In years past, when clients have had an interest in doing some initial patent searching on their own, we have referred them to the United States Patent […]